Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blues Run the Game

Just realized I never posted any pics from Jazz Fest this year.

Sun Studio in Memphis. Went here between Fest weekends. hung out with a friend, ate some BBQ and, yup, went to Graceland!

Brass band at Fest

The scene outside the Maple Leaf bar right before Jon Cleary's set. Too bad my friend was sitting on the curb a few feet away, puking her guts out, while I took this shot.

This coming weekend is Crawfish Fest in Jersey, sort of a mini-Fest. It's a good sort of soft landing as I come down from the high of NOLA, and a nice way to start off the summer.

As for jewelry, art shows, and everything otherwise related, I'm too exhausted to even mention it. Lets just say, it's gonna be a busy month....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY for new post!!!!